Students will read and answer questions about the inner workings of the cell: mitosis, cell energy (photosynthesis and respiration) and moving cellular materials (diffusion, osmosis, endocytosis, exocytosis, passive and active transport, and protein doorways).
Our differentiated vocabulary lessons are perfect for any classroom. The readings are the same for below and above level readers but the questions are differentiated. Students don't even need to know that they are receiving work that is different from their peers as they read about the inner workings of the cell.
This Cell Processes Differentiated Vocabulary Lesson is perfect for:
* Below level readers- ESOL students or those that require scaffolding and support as the vocabulary terms are bold face in the reading and the questions are simplified with matching or recall activities.
* Above level readers- Honors, challenge or AP students as the vocabulary terms are not in bold, students use graphic organizers, make their own definitions, and answer extension questions which require inference skills.
We have vocabulary sheets for all biology/life science topics:
1. Scientific Method
2. Cells
3. Cell Processes
4. Genetics
5. Evolution
6. Classification
7. Human Body: Medical Prefixes and Suffixes
8. Ecology - a FREE vocabulary lesson that goes along with our Intro to Ecology mini-bundle.
Want them all? Save and buy the Life Science Vocabulary Bundle- ALL Units Differentiated for ALL Readers!
Buy this lesson on its own or GO BIG and buy it in our 4-5 week Cell Organelles and Cell Processes Bundled Unit which covers cells and cell organelles, levels of organization, and cellular processes with 170+ PowerPoint slides and 90+ handouts!
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Cell Organelle Vocabulary Differentiated for ALL Readers © 2012 to present Getting Nerdy ®️ All Rights Reserved
Total Pages: 5 not including key
File Size: 650 KB