This differentiated graphic organizer is an engaging tool to help students learn the organelles of Prokaryotic bacterial cells, and Eukaryotic animal and plant cells. A great activity to do as a class or independently- students will never forget the organelles of a cell!
This lesson is composed of a graphic organizer in two versions in each format:
* For struggling students, the graphic organizer is complete with organelle location, structure and function.
* For excelling students, the graphic organizer is blank, allowing students to fill in the information on their own or with the help of their teacher.
* Students will either read about or provide information about which types of cells have these organelles, what the organelles do, and what the organelles are made of/look like.
* Students will either read about or provide a function for the organelles of the cell: cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus, lysosome, golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, vacuole, mitochondria, chloroplast .
* All students draw a picture (and create an analogy) of the structure and function to help them remember the organelle and what it does.
* All students reflect on the importance of each organelle by describing what would happen to the cell if the organelle were missing.
* Extension questions follow the graphic organizer and help summarize cell organelles.
You can also buy this worksheet with an accompanying PowerPoint and the Interactive Notebook Cell Organelle Color-by-Number activity in our Interactive Notebook Cell Organelle PowerPoint, Analogy Graphic Organizer and Coloring Activity mini-bundle.
Buy this lesson on its own or GO BIG and buy it in our 4-5 week Cell Organelles & Processes Bundled Unit which covers cells and cell organelles, levels of organization, and cellular processes with 170+ PowerPoint slides and 90+ handouts!
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Cell Organelles Structure & Function Graphic Organizer © 2012 to present GETTING NERDY®️ All Rights Reserved
Total Pages: 12
File Size: 3 MB