Lesson plans for the year? ✔️ Our year-long Life Science & Biology curriculum includes seven units of visually engaging, kid friendly PowerPoint presentations, differentiated note-taking pages, vocabulary, activities, projects, labs, assessments and more. In this easy to implement bundle, teachers simply follow the presentations to guide their instruction as students learn about life science topics featuring the scientific method, cells, genetics, evolution, human body, classification and ecology.
This whole-year bundle includes 80+ graphics-packed PowerPoints, 50+ differentiated notes pages, 150+ labs, projects and activities, super cute classroom lab safety posters, study guides and an editable assessment for each unit. Our PowerPoints guide you through implementation from content introduction with daily objectives and warm-ups, to note-taking and lab processes, instructions for projects, etc. Your kiddos will love our custom graphics and storytelling through many of our PowerPoints. We make lesson planning easy!
This year-long bundle is comprehensive enough to be your stand-alone curriculum (you don't need a textbook) or modify the PowerPoints to add in additional topics that you'd like to explore further. Expand on our curriculum by adding in our Supplemental Bundle which includes the aligned word walls, interactive notebook activities and task cards for each unit.
• 80 + EDITABLE PPT Presentations
→ Lesson introduction slide with objective and warm-up
→ Notes aligning with PDFS
→ Lesson/Lab instructions
→ Embedded answer keys
→ 50+ Student note-taking pages
→ 150+ Lab, projects and activities
→ Lab Safety classroom posters
→ Study guides and EDITABLE assessments for each unit
→ Teacher guides, rubrics and answer keys
To access a list of many of the materials needed for these units, CLICK HERE.
• Use the PPT to learn about and take notes on various science concepts including the scientific method, cells, genetics, evolution, classification, human body, and ecology
• Learn about and demonstrate understanding of science concepts through participation in inquiry labs, enrichment activities, projects and more.
• Gain a clear understanding biological concepts and how they relate to one another in the overarching theme of life science
❤️Brooklyn K. says, "This resource saved my life!! It was aligned almost exactly to my standards for Virginia. All of the activities were hands-on and very appropriate for middle school science. All the materials you need are included! Amazing resource!! Thank you so much for posting this!!"
❤️ Joel R. says, "I purchased a few smaller resources from this bundle and loved them, so I went ahead and got the whole year. Everything is well aligned to standards and engaging for students. My 7th graders loved this resource! Very active and engaging learning for them. The Scienstructables are great! Definitely recommend this for anyone looking to teach this topic."
❤️ Laura E. says, "This was the best investment as a first-year teacher.
The lessons are fun and engaging and easy to prep! The students adored it and so did I. Worth every penny. Thank you, Mel and Gerdy!!"
• Vertebrate and Invertebrate 3-D Paper Model Dissection bundle
• STEAM Student-led Stations Bundle
• Supplemental Bundle with Word Wall, Task Cards and Interactive Notebook activities for each unit
Because we have created many of our own graphics or have purchased licenses to other graphics with permission, we cannot offer our resources in editable format unless otherwise stated.
TERMS OF USE (TOU):All rights reserved by GETTING NERDY®️.
• This product is to be used by the original purchaser only
• Intended for classroom and personal use only
• Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited.
• This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view
Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license.
Life Science & Biology Curriculum © 2012 to present GETTING NERDY®️ All Rights Reserved